Who I am

Thomas Geßner at work

Thomas Gessner, Theologian (Diploma), Constellation Facilitator (DGfS)

Born 1964 in Halle (Saale), Eastern Germany, father of two outgrown children, living in Berlin since 2011. For twenty years I had been a reverend, busy with soulcare and teaching for all kinds of people.

Meeting systemic constellation work the first time, it struck me. It felt so fluent, familiar, revealing, solving and fulfilling I immediately longed to learn it. Wilfried Nelles became my teacher, later on Heinrich Breuer and Jan Jacob Stam, too. I took a lot of knowledge, enrichment and opening of my heart and eyes from them. I try to pass on these pearls to my clients and students.

In 2011 the constellation work finished my existence as a reverend and built a new one for me. I dropped my career in Lutheran Church and started living as a constellation facilitator, counselor, teacher and author on my own. Surely I had to go through much fear, and sometimes still have, but life seems to hold and to feed me by this work, and I feel fine. I love what I do, it is a blessing for myself and hopefully for others, too.

Leave me a line, I’d be glad to see you.



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Über mich

Thomas Geßner



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